Biodiversity | DEA&DP

Biodiversity liaises with and provides oversight to CapeNature on biodiversity policy and strategy matters, promotes biodiversity management, capacity and strategically participate in national, provincial and local biodiversity programmes and projects in order to fulfil the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity and biodiversity legislation relevant in the Province.

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  • Provide strategic guidance and oversight to CapeNature and 5 Biosphere Reserves
  • Develop, provide inputs and review strategies and action plans, policies and legislation pertaining to the sustainable management of biodiversity in the province and nationally
  • Build capacity and mainstream biodiversity and ecological infrastructure considerations to key decision makers in land-use and development planning, municipal and relevant other governance sectors
  • Implement the Provincial Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (PBSAP)
  • Give effect to the Provincial Biodiversity Economy Strategy (PBES) through the implementation of a 5 year programme by developing the biodiversity economy business case and implementing projects in Ecological Infrastructure value chains, Natural Resources Products and ecotourism.
  • Provide Municipal Support to municipalities and review and comment on IDPs and SDFs
  • Lead the development of a provincial wide Ecological Infrastructure Investment Framework in order to ensure resource resilience, water security and a safe living environment
  • Provide the Department with technical guidance and advice on biodiversity and ecological infrastructure matters

Alien Vegetation Biomass expo_presentations
 Ecological Infrastructure Investment Framework (EIIF)