Eat | WesternCape On Wellness


Follow these 11 healthy eating guidelines: Enjoy a variety of foods A variety of foods means eating more than one type of food at each meal, eating different foods on different days and preparing food in different, healthy ways. Different foods are composed of different nutrients such as proteins,...
Many challenges may exist in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, especially overcoming some of the barriers you may experience in terms of healthy eating. Some of the challenges you may experience to healthy eating may include: Giving up foods you like Irregular working hours Busy lifestyle Lack of...
Why is it important for me to watch the portions of food I eat? Eating larger portions of food means you are taking in more energy (kilojoules) from food, which can lead to weight gain over time. This is one of the reasons why so many people in South Africa are overweight or obese. Being overweight...
To encourage healthy shopping and healthy cooking methods for healthy eating, a range of healthy, delicious and seasonal recipes will be made available on a monthly basis. These recipes have been tested and are yummy! Try these recipes and impress yourself, your family and your friends with your...
For the month of November we challenge you to reduce your added sugar intake! What should you do? Reduce sugar during November (and thereafter). One day at a time! What to reduce? Select at least one added sugar food item (that you have often) to reduce during November. Move more: Aim for at least...
Seasonality of food refers to the time of year when the flavour of a given type food is at its best. This is the time when the food is harvested and therefore perfectly ripe, fresh, and full of flavour and nutrients. At this the time the food item is also usually the cheapest on the market. Look...
Healthy eating is a key component of a healthy lifestyle. Many people in South Africa eat foods that are high in unhealthy fat and added sugar and therefore may take in too much food energy (kilojoules or calories), and so gain weight. South Africans are also eating too much food with oversized...