Play | WesternCape On Wellness


Play is about having FUN and ENJOYMENT through being physically ACTIVE! Choose physical activities that you enjoy! You don’t need the gym! Sitting less and standing more is healthy! Just moving more and faster makes you stronger and fitter, helps to manage stress and helps you sleep better, and helps to manage a healthy weight! Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity on most days – and remember to have FUN! For ideas how to PLAY…

Physical activity is not about sport, and it is about more than just exercise. It is about the relationship between human beings and their environment, and about improving human wellbeing by strengthening that relationship. It is not about running on a treadmill while staring at a mirror and...
Cardiovascular disease CVD is the term used to describe diseases affecting the heart and circulatory system. CVD includes heart disease, stroke and raised blood pressure or hypertension. Why exercise if you have/want to prevent CVD? Regular exercises can increase longevity. Regular exercise reduced...
Being physically active is about moving our bodies by using muscles and energy. Regular physical activity promotes and protects our physical and mental wellness, and helps to maintain a healthy weight. Look for activities that suit your abilities, fitness level and that you will enjoy. Every now...
Are you doing enough physical activity? The table below will help you see how much physical activity you are doing at the moment. Think of how many days in the week you are physically active and how long you are active for. Draw a line from the days per week and minutes per day and see where they...
Are you ready to begin your physical activity journey? Regular physical activity is fun and healthy and being more active is very safe for most people. However, some should check with their doctor before they start becoming more physically active. Before becoming much more physically active than...