Plastic Bag Free - News | 110% Green

Plastic Bag Free

9 July 2018

The new Pick n Pay 'plastic' bag can be used as compost in your garden - this is what it looks like


Pick n Pay introduced South Africa’s first compostable supermarket bags at its V&A Waterfront store, Cape Town, on Tuesday. The bags will only be available on Tuesday (in celebration of International Plastic Bag Free Day), but a nationwide roll-out is more

CSIR developing 100% biodegradable plastic bags and crates


Plastics SA announced their goal of eliminating all plastic waste from South African landfills by 2030 – something which will be easier to achieve once the CSIR researchers take their biodegradable plastic into production. However, there are still challenges that need to be more

The Plastic Bag Levy: What’s Inhibiting its Success in South Africa?

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Following the initial short-term drop in plastic bag consumption, we became used to paying for plastic bags and demand began to increase again. The tax did not change consumer more

Major supermarkets to ditch plastic waste


The retailers will phase out single-use plastic products

Woolworths will be phasing out single-use plastics from its stores across the country, particularly their plastic shopping bags, straws and earbuds. Woolworths CEO and executive director Zyda Rylands says that this announcement follows extensive customer more

4 Ways to Reduce the Waste of Plastic Bags


 There are many solutions to help re-use and reduce waste, not just as corporations and businesses,  recycle plastic bags but also as individuals, families and more

The teenagers getting plastic bags banned in Bali


 "Welcome to Bali! Do you have any plastic bags to declare?" more

California's Statewide Single-Use Plastic Bag Ban

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 Lightweight, single-use plastic bags are a unique threat to the environment.  Unlike other waste, these bags can travel long distances overland, pushed by the wind like a tumbleweed. They are blown by the wind out of trash cans, garbage trucks and landfills, and often do not stop until they reach a stream, river or the more