Simply Green Magazine - Flagship | 110% Green

Simply Green Digimag in Education

Simply Green commits itself to utilising only the greenest production processes in the creation of our products. With our recent move away from print, with its heavy embedded carbon costs, we have already cut our carbon footprint by an estimated 75% (full audit due to take place) and commits itself to continuing that reduction through staff education and behavioural change, plus machinery updates, to exceed 80% carbon footprint reduction (direct and indirect) by end 2013.
Simply Green also commits to continue to grow our business through virally distributed free-to-reader digimags, available to all at no cost on line. Initial indications are that the first digital issue was read or downloaded by some 38,000 unique users/viewers. Simply Green intends growing that figure by at least 100% by end 2013.
We will also provide other digitally-based products in time (special annuals, for example) as well as promote the full spectrum of green business and consumer lifestyle options.