Mosaic Private Sanctuary - Flagship | 110% Green

Environmental and community sustainability and stewardship through ecotourism in the Cape Whale Coast.

Our organisation commits to…..
1. Clearing alien vegetation on our land:
    a. Working with ABI and the Walker Bay Fynbos Conservancy to clear approximately 250 + HA of new growth alien vegetation from a recent fire. 688 person days are allocated @ approximately R 100/day = R 68,800.
    b. Provide local wood cutters with income from clearing alien vegetation, specifically along the sensitive Kleinrivier Estuary (Hermanus Lagoon)
2. Grow organic vegetables for our hospitality food service and our staff.
3. Continue being part of the Stanford Food Heros program.
4. Support the nonprofit Food 4 Thought Pre-primary School with R 200,000 for 2013.
5. Support the Rotary Club of Stanford implement community projects: 3 pre-primary schools, after school programs, soup kitchens, youth soccer team, blanket project. Part of this is achieved by fundraising in the USA through the Rotary Club of Knoxville (Tennessee). Commitment for 2013 is R50,000.
6. Support the Rotary Club of Stanford with funds for securing land to build a much needed youth center for Stanford.
7. Sponsor the USA nonprofit organization, Serve A Village, in serving disadvantaged people in Stanford for a week.
8. Train three of our staff to become FAGASA guides.
9. Offer our guests a premier holiday experience learning about: fynbos and birdlife on Mosaic, the Hermanus Lagoon and the Walker Bay Beach, the Marine Big 5 (Southern right whale, great white shark, cape fur seal, dolphon, penguin), insects and ants and the role they play in fynbos, small mammals (such as the        caracal, bushbok, steenbok, dyker, porcupine), history of Klipgat Archeological Cave, history of the 1892 Spookhuis.
10. Install energy efficient fireplaces in our Lodge rooms that use biomass pellets.