New electric car for Government Motor Transport fleet

24 June 2021
Department of Transport and Public Works

The Department of Transport and Public Works unveiled its new branded electric car (e-car) in Cape Town on 15 June 2021.

Through its Government Motor Transport (GMT) trading entity, the Department aims to reduce carbon emissions through the “Zero Emissions, Zero Limits” campaign. This includes the initial introduction of 5 fully electric BMW i3s as part of a larger 5-year strategic plan to introduce more environmentally friendly vehicles into the fleet.

“Our strategy looks beyond 5 years over the next 20 years as electric vehicles become more commonplace in South Africa,” says Yasir Ahmed, Chief Director: Government Motor Transport.

“Over the next 5 to 9 years we’re hoping to have 200 vehicles, fully electric vehicles, or alternative fuel vehicles in GMT’s fleet,” he adds.

Through the campaign, GMT aims to dispel some of the myths surrounding e-cars which include:

  • they lack power,
  • they can’t travel far before having to recharge, and
  • recharging their batteries takes a long time.

This campaign aims to prove that e-cars can perform just as well and, in some cases, outperform petrol- and diesel-consuming vehicles.

In the previous financial year, GMT helped to combat the spread of COVID-19 by supporting the installation of tracking devices in Red Dot taxis, and took steps to improve the safety and security of ambulances and other specialised GMT fleet vehicles.