Modernisation of 7th floor of 9 Dorp Street building completed

1 December 2021
Department of Transport and Public Works

The Directorate Projects/Programme Infrastructure Delivery: General Infrastructure of the Department of Transport and Public Works has completed a R48 m project to modernise the 7th floor of the 9 Dorp Street building. The Department’s Finance components, which were previously housed in three different buildings in the central business district (Waldorf Building, Leeuwen Street and the ground floor of 9 Dorp Street), moved to their new single location on the 7th Floor on 30 September 2021.

The project, which created 71 jobs, had to be done in a way that allowed the computer server for 9 Dorp Street to remain operational throughout. This was a major challenge, given that the floor was a live construction site. The server room was upgraded to make space for additional server capacity. A services upgrade is also being done to ensure the building’s electrical, fire detection and evacuation services comply with the relevant requirements.

Construction commenced on 16 November 2020 and was completed on 8 September 2021.