Disaster Management Centre in Caledon

10 May 2021
Department of Transport and Public Works
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A R9 million Department of Transport and Public Works project to build a new Emergency Communication Centre (ECC) and Disaster Management Centre in Caledon has been completed.

The facilities are housed in a new extension to the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) unit of Caledon Hospital. By enabling the coordination and dispatch of rescue, police and fire services
in the Overberg District, the ECC facilitates an effective pre-hospital emergency service to residents.

The design and construction teams had to overcome two constraints to successfully complete the project.

The first was that no interruptions to ambulance services operating from the existing EMS centre were permitted. The second was that there was minimal allowance for
personnel to be decanted during construction. The teams had extensive engagement with end users to establish an approach that would work for all parties.

The project started on 3 June 2019 and was completed on 27 October 2020.