Frameworks | Western Cape Government


(Western Cape Government)
Type of Document Year  Name of Document National/ Provincial Transversal/ DSD Specific Purpose
Framework 2008 Child Justice Act No. 75 of 2008: Amended National Policy Framework on Child Justice, 2018 National Transversal The purpose of this framework is to provide an overarching framework for the implementation of the Act with an aim to ensure a uniform, coordinated and co-operative approach and is supported by relevant national directives, standing instructions, standing operating procedures, guidelines, and circulars of the relevant Government Departments and Institutions concerned.
Framework 2012 Quality Assurance Framework for Social Welfare Services (V4) (2012) National Transversal The purpose of the Quality Assurance Framework is to:
• Provide a consistent system and clear standards for evaluating effectiveness;
• Prioritise and facilitate continuous improvements within social welfare services; and
• Support organisational learning.
Framework 2012 Quality Assurance Framework For Social Welfare Services - Index of Norms and Standards with Indicators (2012) National Transversal The purpose of the Quality Assurance Framework is to:
• Provide a consistent system and clear standards for evaluating effectiveness;
• Prioritise and facilitate continuous improvements within social welfare services; and
• Support organisational learning.
Framework 2012 Supervision Framework for the Social Work Profession in South Africa (2012) National Transversal This document seeks to provide a framework for effective supervision of social workers, student social workers, social auxiliary workers, learner social auxiliary workers, social work specialists and social workers in private practice in order to ensure competent professional social work practices that serve the best interests of service users in South Africa.
Framework 2012 Public Service Corporate Governance of Information and Communication Technology Policy Framework, 2012 National Transversal The purpose of this Framework is to institutionalise the Corporate Governance of and Governance of ICT as an integral part of corporate governance within departments in a uniform and coordinated manner.
Framework 2011 Framework for Social Welfare Services (2011) National Transversal This framework seeks to facilitate/guide the implementation of a comprehensive, integrated, rights-based, well-resourced, and quality developmental social welfare services and should be read in conjunction with the Integrated Service Delivery Model (ISDM).
Framework 2011 National Evaluation Policy Framework (2011) National Transversal This framework seeks to promote quality evaluations which can be used for learning to improve the effectiveness and impact of government, by reflecting on what is working and what is not working and revising interventions accordingly.
Framework 2015 Framework for Services to Persons with Intellectual Disability (2015) Provincial Transversal The purpose of  this policy framework is to determine the profile of needs of the PWID across sectors, as well as to determine the appropriate departmental roles, responsibilities and potential funding models to meet the needs identified.
Framework 2015 Labour Relations Policy Framework for the Public Service  National Transversal The purpose of this Framework is to:
• Clarify the position of the public service in respect of the various areas of labour relations;
• Give guidance on the application of various pieces of legislation that govern employment relations    in the public service;
• Provide a framework within which departmental policies on labour relations can be developed.
• Promote consistency in management decisions and continuity despite changes in management.
Framework 2015 Quality Assurance Framework for Performance Monitoring of Social Welfare and Community Development Service Delivery National DSD Specific Within the context of social welfare and community development services, a Q A framework can help ensure respect for human rights, promote social justice, create opportunities for the development of practitioners and ensure the effectiveness and efficient delivery of social welfare services. This framework can also serve as a basis for guiding and supporting a service providers’ commitment to excellence and to working towards established measurable standards of quality.
Framework 2015 Labour Relations Policy Framework for the Public Service National Transversal The purpose of this Framework is to:
• Clarify the position of the public service in respect of the various areas of labour relations;
• Give guidance on the application of various pieces of legislation that govern employment relations    in the public service;
• Provide a framework within which departmental policies on labour relations can be developed.
• Promote consistency in management decisions and continuity despite changes in management.
Framework 2015 Labour Relations Policy Framework for the Public Service Provincial DSD Specific Within the context of social welfare and community development services, a Q A framework can help ensure respect for human rights, promote social justice, create opportunities for the development of practitioners and ensure the effectiveness and efficient delivery of social welfare services. This framework can also serve as a basis for guiding and supporting a service providers’ commitment to excellence and to working towards established measurable standards of quality.
Framework 2014 Medium-term Strategic Framework (MTSF) 2014-2019 National Transversal The purpose of this framework is to set out the action that government will take and targets to be achieved. It provides a framework for other plans of national, provincial and local government. The MTSF provides a framework for prioritizing and sequencing government programmes and development initiatives for the next five years.
Framework 2014 Western Cape Provincial Spatial Development Framework Provincial Transversal The purpose of this framework is to coordinate, integrate and align:
- Provincial plans and development strategies with policies of national government
- The plans, policies and development strategies of provincial departments, and
- The plans, polices and development strategies of municipalities.
Framework 2014 Medium-term Strategic Framework (MTSF) 2014-2019 National Transversal The purpose of this framework is to set out the action that government will take and targets to be achieved. It provides a framework for other plans of national, provincial and local government. The MTSF provides a framework for prioritizing and sequencing government programmes and development initiatives for the next five years.
Framework 2013 Framework for Social Welfare Services National DSD Specific The purpose of this framework is to enhance the nature, scope, extent and level of integrated social welfare that social service practitioners should be delivering. The framework seeks to facilitate/ guide the implementation of a comprehensive, integrated, rights-based, well- resourced and quality developmental social welfare service.
Framework 2014 Western Cape Provincial Spatial Development Framework Provincial Transversal

The purpose of this framework is to coordinate, integrate and align:

- Provincial plans and development strategies  with policies of national government

- The plans, policies and development strategies of provincial departments, and

- The plans, polices and development strategies of municipalities.
Framework 2008 Child Justice Act No. 75 of 2008: Amended National Policy Framework on Child Justice, 2018 National Transversal The purpose of this framework is to provide an overarching framework for the implementation of the Act with an aim to ensure a uniform, coordinated and co-operative approach and is supported by relevant national directives, standing instructions, standing operating procedures, guidelines, and circulars of the relevant Government Departments and Institutions concerned.
Framework 2012 Incentive Policy Framework for Employees on salary levels 1 to 12 and those covered by Occupation Specific Dispensations (OSDs) National Transversal The purpose of this policy framework is to provide for all employees on salary levels 1 to12 and employees covered by Occupation Specific Dispensations (OSDs) (full-time and part-time employees (including employees appointed on a 5/8 and 6/8th capacity) who fall within the scope of the PSCBC. The policy framework provides for four parts, namely pay (notch) progression, performance incentive schemes, linked to departmental performance management systems, grade progression and general (transverse) matters.
Framework 2016 Western Cape Government Household Food and Nutrition Security Strategic Framework Provincial Transversal The purpose of this framework is to target specific shortcomings of the current food system to ensure that it serves all of the residents of the Western Cape. The Strategic Framework articulates outcomes and objectives linking programs to the reduction of hunger and improvements in health, nutrition, and productivity to support all people living in the Western Cape in leading active and productive lives.
Framework 2018 Whole of Society Approach (WoSA) to Socio-economic Development Provincial Transversal The Whole of Society Approach (WoSA) envisions safe, socially connected, resilient and empowered citizens and communities with equitable access to social services and opportunities. This document presents a framework for integrated and innovative social development in a phased approach. It has been developed with the aim of obtaining agreement on the new way of promoting social development through a “Whole of Society Approach”.
Framework 2019 Employee Health and Wellness Strategic Framework for the Public Service, February 2019 National Transversal The goal is to provide a common strategic direction and platform for operational policies in line departments by providing guidelines through principles and practices for the health and wellness of public servants, their families and citizens. It interprets the legislative and political intent in a strategic manner that allows for commonality of application across different line and sector organisations.
Framework 2020 Revised Framework for Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans, 2020 National Transversal The purpose of this document is to provide the revised framework for Strategic plans and Annual performance plans on behalf of the national Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation.
Framework Undated  Western Cape Government Strategic ICT Planning Framework Provincial Transversal The purpose of this document is to provide a framework to develop, revise, implement and operationalise Strategic ICT Plans within the Western Cape Government (WCG). Furthermore, depicts the alignment of ICT Policy, departmental ICT planning to WCG e-Government Strategy.
The content on this page was last updated on 27 July 2023