Strategies | Western Cape Government


(Western Cape Government)
Type of Document Year  Name of Document National/ Provincial Transversal/ DSD Specific Purpose
Strategy 2021 Prevention and early intervention strategy National DSD Specific   
Strategy 2020 Department of Social Development ERM Strategy and Implementation Plan 2020/21 National Transversal The purpose of the ERM strategy and implementation plan is to effect the implementation of risk management in a structured, coherent and systematic manner to:
a)ensure that risk management is part of the planning and performance management processes;
b)enable the Department to deliver on the Departmental goals, objectives and targets;
c)improve the quality of decisions and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations; and
d)outline and clearly define the roles and responsibilities of managers and staff in embedding risk management in the Department.
Strategy 2020 National Strategic Plan on Gender-based Violence and Femicide, 2020 National Transversal The purpose of this policy is to provide a multi-sectoral, coherent strategic policy and programming framework to ensure a coordinated national response to the crises of gender-based violence and femicide by the government of South Africa and the country as a whole.
Strategy 2019 Capacity building strategy for Social Service Practitioners in Child Protection National Transversal The purpose of the Strategy is to promote occupation specific training needs for the sector and other related training.  This will ensure that the sector adequately respond to the needs of the client within the child protection field by consistently delivering high quality of services to children and families within communities. 
Strategy 2019 National Drug Master Plan 4th Edition (2019-2024) National Transversal The National Drug Master Plan 2019–2024 updates the national efforts to reduce the use, misuse, abuse, availability and the harm caused by the illegal substances emerging in our shores and trafficked from the neighbouring countries and abroad. This blueprint document is aimed at uprooting the national problem of substance abuse through a multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral approach.
Strategy 2018 Customer Care Performance Plan: 2018-2021 Provincial DSD Specific The purpose of this performance plan is to provide the overarching framework for the uniform implementation of customer care services within the department.
Strategy 2017 Strategy to support families facing the removal of a family member National Transversal To ensure that family can be considered the most important unit for offering family members stability and a secure environment, families are facing a variety of challenges that do not guarantee the above. Family life has become increasingly diverse and complex, leaving families vulnerable to different forms of stress.
Strategy 2017 Recruitment and Retention Strategy for Social Service Practitioners National Transversal The purpose of this strategy is to ensure that the DSD has a strong planning and implementation system in place in order to attract and appoint the right professional, at the right time, to the right position, at the right place.
Strategy 2016 Western Cape Government Security Strategy and Transversal Access Control Policy Provincial DSD Specific The purpose of this strategy is to ensure the officials of Department of Social Development are safety and secured in the premises.                                                                                                                                             
Strategy 2016 Department of Social Development: Enterprise Risk Strategy  and Implementation Plan 2016/17 Provincial DSD Specific The purpose of this strategy is to effect the implementation of risk management in a structured, coherent systematic in manner to(a) to ensure that risk is part of  planning and performance management process,(b) enable the Department to deliver on the Departmental goals, objectives and targets (c) Improve the quality of decision and to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations (d) Outline and clear define the role and responsibilities of managers in embedding risk management in the Department.
Strategy 2016 Provincial Plan for the management of foster care Provincial Transversal The purpose of this Strategy is to put effective, efficient foster care management in place to sustain the provision of foster care services in the Province according to the legislative requirements. All DSD Regions, inclusive of designated Child Care Organisation, will comply with the legislative requirements. The backlog of foster care orders will be eradicated; and System and processes will be put in place effectively managed the provision of foster care in the Province.
Strategy 2015-2020 National Social Development Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Provincial DSD Specific The purpose of this strategy is to:
• To deepen social assistance and extend the scope of the contributory social security system.
• To enhance the capabilities of communities to achieve sustainable livelihoods and household food security.
• Review and reform social welfare services and financing.
• To improve and expand ECD provision.
• To strengthen coordination, integration, planning, monitoring and evaluation of services.
Strategy 2015 Department Of Social Development Western Cape Strategy For Improvement Of Child Care And Protection Services Provincial DSD Specific The purpose of this strategy is to improve child care and protection services in the Western Cape.
Strategy 2015 Disability Mainstreaming Strategy Provincial Transversal The purpose of this Strategy is to mainstreaming the integration of disability issues into the organisation's analysis, planning, personnel policy assessment and monitoring. It is a broad strategy for making consents and experiences of children, man and women with disabilities, not excluding parents of children with disabilities.
Strategy 2013 City of Cape Town Social Development Strategy 2013 Provincial City of Cape Town The Social Development Strategy (SDS) articulates the role of the City of Cape Town in promoting and maximising social development. The SDS is structured around five high-level objectives. These are:
• Maximise income generating opportunities for people who are excluded or at risk of exclusion.
• Build and promote safe households and communities.
• Support the most vulnerable through enhancing access to infrastructure and services.
• Promote and foster social integration.
• Mobilise resources for social development.
Strategy 2013 Western Cape Youth Development Strategy 2013 Provincial Transversal The purpose of this strategy is to provide a framework for all stakeholders to rethink and reposition their services and support to ensure a coordinated and continuous basket of services and support to meet the needs of different age cohorts of youth, different categories of youth and youth in different circumstances, especially those most in need.
Strategy 2013 A Youth Development Strategy for the Western Cape Department of Social Development 2013 Provincial DSD Specific The purpose of this strategy is to guide, inform and direct DSD youth development programming and priorities  and  to bring a strong measure of institutional and programmatic predictability.  It serves as a critical planning tool which is aimed at addressing the needs of young people of the Western Cape Province.
Strategy 2013 Customer Care Strategy Provincial DSD Specific The purpose of this strategy is to ensure that the Department of Social Development provides quality customer service to its client.
Strategy 2013 Fatherhood Strategy National Transversal The purpose of this Strategy is to capacitate service providers at grassroots to address the issue of fatherhood within families, and to empower fathers to take responsibility in the lives of their children. Furthermore, the Fatherhood Strategy will be utilized as a platform for service providers to craft specific programmes targeted at various contexts of fatherhood and to introduce services to men within the DSD Service points.
Strategy 2013-2017 National Drug Master Plan (NDMP) 2013-2017 National Transversal The purpose of this strategy is to:
• Ensure the coordination of efforts to reduce the demand, supply and harm caused by substances of abuse.
• Ensure the sharing of current good practices in reducing harm related to substance abuse.
• Promote national, regional and international cooperation to reduce the supply of drugs and other substances of abuse.
Strategy 2012 National Development Plan 2012 National Transversal The purpose of the National Development Plan (NDP) is to address and eliminate poverty and reduce inequality by 2030.
Strategy 2012 OneCape 2040 Provincial Transversal The purpose of this document is to attempt to stimulate a transition towards a more inclusive and resilient economic future for the Western Cape region. It articulates a vision about how the people of the Western Cape can work together to develop our economy and our society.
Strategy 2011 Integrated Social Crime Prevention Strategy 2011 National Transversal This strategy will be implemented in line with other existing measures aimed both at tackling crime and addressing the underlying causes of crime and violence.
Strategy 2011-2016 Western Cape Government Intergrated Provincial Early Childhood Development Strategy 2011-2016 Provincial Transversal The purpose of this strategy is to:
• Ensure that ECD services include a developmental curriculum and programmes for children.
• Create a suitable environment that will contribute to the health, nutrition, physical and social wellbeing of children.
Strategy 2010-2015 National Social Development Strategic Plan 2010-2015 National DSD Specific The purpose of this strategy is to:
• Ensure the provision of comprehensive social services which protect the poor and vulnerable within the framework of the South African Constitution and subsequent legislation.
• Create an enabling environment for sustainable development.
• Deliver integrated, sustainable, and quality services in partnership with all those committed to building a caring society.
Strategy 2007

Recruitment and Retention Strategy for Social Workers 2007

National DSD Specific The purpose of this strategy is to:
• Provide a framework for the recruitment and retention of Social Workers as learners and professionals that will be committed to render services where they are most needed in the country.
• Reposition the social work profession to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
• Promote a positive image of social work as a career of choice.
• Address the concerns and conditions of service that impact negatively on service provision.


The content on this page was last updated on 27 July 2023