Changes in Managerial Positions at Province's Central Hospital | Western Cape Government


Changes in Managerial Positions at Province's Central Hospital

9 May 2010

Theuns Botha, Western Cape Minister of Health, indicated in his provincial budget speech, that it is the intention of the Department to strengthen strategic management and support functions within the overall management of the Department.

It is for this reason that the Department is restructuring to enhance organisational effectiveness and management skills. In view of this, the following transfers came into effect at the beginning of this month.

Dr Terence Carter, chief director of Tygerberg Hospital was transferred to Groote Schuur Hospital, as chief director. As a result, the vacancy at Tygerberg Hospital will be advertised and filled appropriately. Until that time Dr Dimitri Erasmus, current director of Red Cross Hospital, has been seconded to this position. Dr Erasmus position at Red Cross Hospital will be temporarily filled by Dr KLN Linda, Senior Manager: Medical Services at Groote Schuur Hospital.

Dr Sadiq Kariem, chief director at Groote Schuur Hospital, have been transferred to the Chief Directorate Regional Hospitals, Associated Psychiatric Hospitals, Emergency Medical Services and Forensic Pathology Services. The current chief director, Dr Krish Vallabhjee, was transferred to the post of chief director: Strategy and Health Support so that his particular expertise in management, strategic planning and public health can benefit health service management in the Western Cape.

Botha says, "The moves have been decided on in the interests of management efficiency for our health services".

Issued by:
Theuns Botha
Western Cape Minister of Health

Media Enquiries: 

Helene Rossouw
Media Liaison
Western Cape Ministry of Health
Tel: 021 483 4426
Cell: 082 771 8834
Fax: 021 483 4143