Disability | Western Cape Government


Disability Definitions, Models and Terminology

(Public Information)
These guidelines on disability terminology and definitions are taken from "A Pocket Guide On Disability Equity" prepared by Disabled People South Africa (DPSA).

Development of Disabled Sport

Sport and Recreation Services aims to promote, coordinate and implement sport development programmes and projects for the disability sport sector in the Western Cape. It does this by supporting initiatives that promote the integration of athletes with a disability into mainstream sport. In addition, there is also the promotion of structured mass participation in sport for the disabled. By doing this, Sport and Recreation Services ensures that there is assistance and monitoring of recognised structures for sport for the disabled.

Disability grants

If you’re permanently unable to work, or if you’re temporarily unable to work for longer than 6 months due to a physical or mental disability, you’re eligible to apply for a South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) disability grant.

Donating Wheelchairs to the Western Cape Rehabilitation Centre (WCRC)

(Guidelines, Manuals and Instructions)
Department of Health and Wellness (Western Cape Government)

Employ People with Disabilities

(Public Information)
This publication provides information about employment of people with disabilities to employers and employees.

How to Support Workshops for People with Disabilities

(Public Information)
Businesses and individuals can support people with intellectual and physical disabilities by supporting the services and products produced by the workshops to which they belong.

Independent Living Centre, Western Cape

(Public Information)
(File type: pdf; size: 214.72 KB)
The Association for the Physically Disabled Western Cape (APD-WC) and its 20 registered branches, as private registered welfare organisations, render a variety of services to persons with disabilities in the Western Cape Province. This document describes the work of APD-WC, particularly its Independent Living Centre.

Prosthetic and Orthotic Services

The whole of the Western Cape is served by a single Orthotic and Prosthetic Centre in Pinelands, Cape Town. Orthotic devices also known as orthosis are used to optimise: Functional mobility in a disabled person.To align, support, or correct deformities, or to improve the movement of joints, spine, or limbs. e.g. shoe inserts, and ankle-foot orthoses, which stabilise the ankle after a stroke. Prosthetic devices on the other hand are used to:

Rehabilitation Services

Physically or mentally disabled adults and children can be helped to reach and maintain their optimal physical, sensory, intellectual, psychiatric and social functional levels.

Towards a Barrier-Free Society

(Reports and Research)
(File type: pdf; size: 494.29 KB)
This report on accessibility and the built environment is part of the Human Rights Commission's effort to ensure that all South Africans are able to participate fully and equally in society, as guaranteed in the Constitution.

Western Cape Rehabilitation Centre

Launch of the WCRC The Karl Bremer and Conradie Hospital Rehabilitation Centres have been amalgamated into a single Western Cape Rehabilitation Centre (WCRC).