Ministry of Social Development - Acts: 1994 | Western Cape Government

Ministry of Social Development - Acts: 1994

Acts are laws passed by the national or provincial parliament. Western Cape and National legislation is listed here by year. Note: This is not a complete list of all legislation. For more comprehensive listings, please see the South African Government Information site and
No. 44 of 1994
To amend the Aged Persons Act, 1967, so as to insert, delete or amend certain definitions; to further regulate the registration of homes for the aged; to further regulate the delegation of certain powers; to increase penalties; to regulate anew the Minister's power to make regulations; to amend or repeal certain obsolete provisions; and to repeal certain discriminatory provisions; and to provide for matters connected therewith.
No. 103 of 1994
To provide for the organisation and administration of the public service of the Republic, the regulation of the conditions of employment, terms of office, dretirement and discharge of members of the public service, and matters connected therewith.