Provincial Cabinet: Overview | Western Cape Government

Provincial Cabinet: Overview

The executive arm of the Provincial Government is headed up by the Provincial Cabinet, which consists of selected members of parliament, appointed by the Premier. Each Cabinet Minister has a portfolio and is responsible for overseeing the work of their respective department(s).

The Cabinet Ministers and the Premier are charged with:

  • Implementing provincial legislation.
  • Implementing appropriate national legislation.
  • Coordinating the functions of the Provincial Government and its departments.
  • Preparing and initiating provincial legislation.

Members of the Provincial Cabinet


An open opportunity society for all.


The Western Cape Government will promote freedom and opportunity for all the people of the province through:

  • Policies and practices that strengthen the Constitution.
  • Create the conditions for sustainable economic and employment growth.
  • Alleviate poverty by providing a welfare safety net for those unable to provide for themselves.
  • Ensure the safety of every person.
  • Capital and skills.
  • Deliver clean, efficient, cost-effective, transparent and responsive public administration.


Truth, Accountability, Personal responsibility, Excellence, Choice, Fitness for purpose.

Mandates (Objectives)

  1. Increase economic empowerment for all the people of the Western Cape.
  2. Reduce poverty through promoting opportunities for all.
  3. Promote rural development.
  4. Efficient and effective infrastructure.
  5. Sustainable human settlements.
  6. Improve individual and household capacity to respond to opportunity.
  7. Improve efficiency and effectiveness in health, education, well-being and safety.
  8. Sustainable resource use through greater spatial integration.
  9. Effective public and non-motorised transport.
  10. Responsive and effective governance.
The content on this page was last updated on 19 August 2024