Ministry of Social Development - Acts: 2006 | Western Cape Government

Ministry of Social Development - Acts: 2006

Acts are laws passed by the national or provincial parliament. Western Cape and National legislation is listed here by year. Note: This is not a complete list of all legislation. For more comprehensive listings, please see the South African Government Information site and
No. 38 of 2006
The Act defines: the rights and responsibility of children; parentral responsibilities and rights; determines principles and guidelines for the protection of children; the promotion of the well-being of children; the consolidation of the laws relating to the welfare and protection of children and provides for incidental matters.
No. 13 of 2006
To deal effectively with the plight of older persons by establishing a framework aimed at the empowerment and protection of older persons and at the promotion and maintenance of their status, rights, well-being, safety and security; and to provide for matters connected therewith.