Ministry of Social Development - Acts: 2002 | Western Cape Government

Ministry of Social Development - Acts: 2002

Acts are laws passed by the national or provincial parliament. Western Cape and National legislation is listed here by year. Note: This is not a complete list of all legislation. For more comprehensive listings, please see the South African Government Information site and
(File type: pdf; size: 291.49 KB)No. 35 of 2002
To amend the Probation Services Act, 1991, so as to insert certain definitions; to make further provision for programmes aimed at the prevention and combating of crime; to extend the powers and duties of probation officers; to provide for the duties of assistant probation officers; to provide for the mandatory assessment of arrested children; to provide for the establishment of a probation advisory committee; to provide for the designation of family finders; and to provide for matters connected therewith.
(File type: pdf; size: 583.23 KB)No. 38 of 2002
To amend the State Information Technology Agency Act, so as to alter certain definitions, to define other expressions, to delete certain definitions and to substitute obsolete references; to provide for the establishment of subsidiaries by the State Information Technology Agency (Pty) Ltd; to redefine the objects and functions of the Agency; to increase the maximum number of members of the Board of the Agency; to provide for alternate members for non-executive members of the Board; to align provisions regarding the transfer of staff and assets, the business and servicel evel agreements and the