WC Disaster Management Centre wins top award | Western Cape Government



WC Disaster Management Centre wins top award

3 June 2021

The Western Cape Disaster Management Centre won a coveted gold award at the 2020 annual Western Cape Government Service Excellence Awards held on 2 June 2021.

DM Fire Services nominationThe centre’s COVID-19 Activation Team won the award in the category Barrier Breakers,

Anton Bredell, the minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning in the Western Cape, has congratulated the centre for its latest achievement.

“The disaster management centre in the Western Cape operated from 25 March 2020 on a 24/7 basis to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic. The team worked in 12-hour shifts to provide critical support to citizens, municipalities, sector departments and the province as a whole.”

Bredell says the Centre assisted vulnerable people and citizens in distress during the Covid lockdown period on an ongoing basis.

“The centre was able to coordinate the required help through the various clusters it coordinates in the province. Amongst other achievements, the centre oversaw the successful repatriation of more than 7000 foreigners to their home countries during the first few months of the lockdown.”

“I want to congratulate the Head of the Centre Mr Colin Deiner, his officials and staff on their award and I want to thank them for their sterling efforts that remain ongoing at this time. I also want to congratulate the Head of the Department of Local Government, Mr Graham Paulse, the department under which Disaster Management resides.

Upon the nomination for the award, Chief Director for Disaster Management and Fire Brigade Services, Colin Deiner Disaster Operations Director, Jacqueline Pandaram, shared what the nomination meant to the division and team at large.

Chief Director for Disaster Management and Fire Brigade Services, Colin Deiner shares what the nomination means for the directorate:

Disaster Operations Director, Jacqueline Pandaram acknowledges staff and all involved in making the nomination possible:

- Main image caption: The Disaster Management team celebrate Service Excellence Award nomination.