All pig farms in the Worcester area have been placed under official quarantine by the Western Cape Province Directorate of Veterinary Services. No pigs or pig products may be moved into, out of or through the area without the relevant movement permits. Further investigations are continuing, including attempts to confirm the diagnosis by sending samples for testing to an international reference laboratory in the UK.
No indication of the disease has been seen anywhere else in the country and a routine survey that was conducted in conjunction with the South African Pig Producers' Organization (SAPPO) last year had revealed negative Hog Cholera test results for pigs throughout South Africa. The disease only affects pigs and has no detrimental effects on other animals or humans. However, the potential damages to the pig industry and international trade in pig and pig products are severe. South Africa will thus follow an eradication policy should the diagnosis be confirmed.
No exports of pigs and pig products are allowed from affected area. This precautionary measure has been taken to safeguard the international credibility of the South Africa's agricultural industry.
The public is requested to support the campaign wholeheartedly because of the high economic impact. The Department would like to appeal to all farmers and members of the public to notify the nearest State Veterinary Office or Animal Health Technician of any unexpected disease or death in pigs.
For further information contact:
Steve Galane
Tel: 012 319 7312
Cell: 083 635 7346