Minister Fritz welcomes 228 arrests by LEAP in November | Western Cape Government



Minister Fritz welcomes 228 arrests by LEAP in November

10 December 2020

The Minister of Community Safety, Albert Fritz, welcomes the 228 arrests made by the Law Enforcement Advancement Plan’s (LEAP) Learner Law Enforcement Officers (LLEOs) deployed through the Western Cape Safety Plan (WCSP) between 2 – 29 November 2020.

The arrests were made in Philippi, Delft, Bishop Lavis, Khayelitsha and Nyanga through joint operations which include the City of Cape Town, the Western Cape SAPS and the Economic Development Partnership (EDP).

The 228 arrests include charges relating to: 

  • Unlicensed sale of liquor (7);
  • Drug dealing and possession (133);
  • Dangerous weapons, ammunition and firearms (63);
  • Stolen property and malicious damage to property (7);
  • Theft and robbery (3);
  • Assault (3); and
  • Domestic Violence, Rape and sexual violence (3).

Minister Fritz said, “It is incredibly reassuring to see the strides that our LEAP LLEOs have made in such a short time. I further welcome the arrest of three suspects in connection with GBV and DV cases, this is welcomed as we commemorate 16 days of activism. A significant number of arrests were also made for possession of drugs and dangerous weapons, the unlicensed sale of liquor, theft and robbery.”

Minister Fritz added, “On 14 October, we redeployed the LEAP LLEOs into the five identified communities which would benefit from the joint operations. This was initially marked by the redeployment of 60 LEAP LEOs into Hanover Park.”

Minister Fritz added further, “The redeployment of LEAP officers into the five areas through the joint operations is having a tangible impact on the lives of residents in communities worst affected by crime. The joint operations have been identified through an evidence-driven and data-led approach which will allow us to address crime where and when it happens, but also to implement programmes which will lead to behaviour change over the long-term, preventing violence and making our communities safer.”


Media Enquiries: 


Cayla Ann Tomás Murray

Spokesperson for Minister Albert Fritz

Tel: 021 483 8550

Cell: 064 121 7959

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