On 23 and 24 October 2015, Western Cape Provincial Traffic Services stopped a total of 2 418 vehicles in 26 alcohol blitz roadblocks across the province. Fourteen road users died on the province’s roads over the weekend.
A total of 1 199 drivers were screened for being under the influence of alcohol and 35 arrests were made.
The highest breath alcohol reading was recorded in Vredendal. At 1.54 mg of alcohol/ 1 000 ml of blood, this is six times the legal limit of 0,24 mg/1 000 ml.
A total of 224 vehicles were screened for speeding and 99 speeding offences were recorded. A total of 264 fines in the amount of R382 750 were issued for various traffic violations ranging from driver fitness to vehicle fitness infringements of the law.
Fourteen Road Fatalities
Friday, 23 October 2015 |
Saturday, 24 October 2015 |
Cape Metropole
Cape Winelands
West Coast
Cape Metropole
Cape Winelands
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