The Western Cape Government rejects racially-based Covid-19 support to farmers and agri-businesses.
During Covid-19 it became evidently clear that our farmers and farm workers play a critical role in food security and humanitarian relief efforts. It is also clear that agriculture is leading the economic recovery of South Africa.
Farmers and the Agricultural Sector need policy certainty and government support free from any racial classification.
Casidra, a Western Cape Public Entity, recently published an advert that used race as qualifying criteria for Covid-19 Government support.
This conflicts with the policy position of the Democratic Alliance run Western Cape Government.
The Western Cape Department of Agriculture (WCDoA) does not support this racially-based advert.
Therefore, I have instructed Casidra to withdraw the advertisement and apologise to farmers and the agricultural sector in the Western Cape.
I too apologise for the publication of the advert by Casidra.
The Western Cape Department of Agriculture rejects the use of racially-based criteria.
The WCDoA believes that the Government's assistance to farmers should be needs-based and NOT race-based.
We should help all farmers in South Africa, irrespective of their race - this is our commitment to a non-racial society. In this way, we will create an inclusive culture and start the building blocks on a truly non-racial South Africa.
We should respect the contribution of all farmers in South Africa, irrespective of race. Covid-19 support should help all farmers because all farmers are critical for food security in South Africa.
Daniel Johnson
Spokesperson for Minister Ivan Meyer
Tel: 079 990 4231