The last mentioned is a follow up on a cultural transformation indaba, which took place in Cape Town during August 2004 which aimed at providing a platform for interactive debate in order to start the process of cultural transformation. Recently during 2005 stakeholders of Cultural Affairs in the rural areas were presented with a preliminary draft cultural policy at workshops with the aim of obtaining their input.
All role players in the fields of arts, culture, heritage, language, libraries and museums are invited to visit to download and print the preliminary draft cultural policy.
Hard copies are available from the:
Cape Gateway Walk-in Centre
142 Long Street
Cape Town.
In true partnership and in the healthiest spirit of co-operation, civil society representatives and staff members of the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport will develop and draft the policy document.
The input from the stakeholders will enable the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport to factor the aspirations and concerns of the broader community into the final policy.