News and Speeches for Ministry of Agriculture, Economic Development and Tourism | Western Cape Government

News and Speeches for Ministry of Agriculture, Economic Development and Tourism

COVID-19 support should help all famers – not only black farmers

23 December 2020

The Western Cape Government rejects racially-based Covid-19 support to farmers and agri-businesses. Read More

Minister Meyer welcomes sunday wine sales

18 December 2020

I welcome yesterday’s announcement by the National Government that it has amended R1346 in line with my request dated 16 December 2020. Read More

Sunday trade of wine essential for wine tourism jobs

17 December 2020

Yesterday, I wrote to the National Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Minister Thoko Didiza, requesting that wine tasting and wine sales at wineries and wine farms be permitted on Sundays. Read More

Western Cape Department of Agriculture appoints 120 agricultural graduate intern

10 December 2020

Yesterday, 9 December 2020, the Western Cape Minister of Agriculture, Dr Ivan Meyer, welcomed the placement of 120 agricultural graduate interns who will be taking up their two-year internship within the Western Cape Agriculture Sector. Read More

Quarter three GDP results confirm agriculture continues to shine

9 December 2020

I am pleased to note that StatsSA‘s release of South Africa’s third-quarter Gross Domestic Product (GDP) statistics highlights that the agricultural sector realised real economic growth of 18.5%, which was another excellent performance after the... Read More

Minister Meyer undertakes oversight visit to the Central Karoo

2 December 2020

Western Cape Minister of Agriculture, Dr Ivan Meyer, recently paid an oversight visit to the Central Karoo where he handed over drought vouchers to two farmers, one in Leeu Gamka and the other in Laingsburg. Read More