News and Speeches for Department of Health and Wellness | Western Cape Government

News and Speeches for Department of Health and Wellness

Legal and Ethical Issues Around Chronically Defaulting TB Patients

2 June 2005

Tuberculosis is a highly infectious disease, which has to be contained and treated. Read More

DOH Responds to Kfm on Hospital Bed Capacity in Western Province

1 June 2005

What is the extent of the problem? What has, or is being done to resolve this?What is advice to people using these hospitals and what is the best way to channel a complaint? Read More

Statement by Provincial Health Minister, Pierré Uys on World No Tobacco Day

30 May 2005

World No Tobacco Day is celebrated around the world on May 31 each year. 2005 marks the campaign’s eighteenth year of existence. South Africa’s theme for 2005 is Health Professionals and Tobacco Control. Read More

Celebrating International Nurses' Day: A Message from Minister Pierre Uys

11 May 2005

During May 2005 Midwives Day and Nurses' Day will be celebrated internationally and healthcare facilities throughout the Western Cape Province will join hands in commemorating the dedicated and committed work that is delivered every single day by... Read More

Oncology Simulators for Groote Schuur and Tygerberg

4 May 2005

First there were Somavision virtual simulators. Now digital simulators have entered the healthcare-system in two central hospitals in the Western Cape. Read More

R1.5 Million Upgrade of Red Cross Children's Hospital Pharmacy Department

27 April 2005

The pharmacy staff at Red Cross Children's Hospital will now be able to reduce the waiting times for all out patients requiring medicines after the hospital's pharmacy department received a R1.5 million upgrade on 28 April 2005. Read More

Lotto Groundbreaking for Oncology

21 April 2005

The new world-class National Lottery Oncology Unit will provide not only excellent working conditions for the dedicated staff, but also ample space and comfort for the little patients receiving treatment and their families. Read More

HealthCare 2010: Equal Access to Quality HealthCare

16 April 2005

The Department of Health, of the Provincial Government of the Western Cape is committed to providing quality care to the people of the Western Cape. Quality of Care at all levels is one of the core principles of Healthcare 2010. Read More

Misinformation about Use of Antiretroviral Medication

28 March 2005

It has come to the attention of the Western Cape Provincial Department of Health that misinformation is being spread in respect of the use of antiretroviral medication. Read More

Visit to the Phelophepa Health Train by Health Minister Pierre Uys

21 March 2005

Western Cape Health Services have once again joined forces with the Transnet Foundation to bring the Phelophepa Health Train to the province. Read More

Province to take over Primary Health Care Facilities run by Municipalities

10 March 2005

The Western Cape Health Department will assume responsibility for Personal Primary Health Care (PPHC) services currently provided by municipalities outside of the Cape Town metropolitan area with effect from 1 April 2005. Read More

First Dedicated Anti-Retroviral (ARV) Center Launched in Gugulethu

2 March 2005

The Western Cape Department of Health in conjunction with Crusaid, a UK based HIV/ Aids fundraising organization, is to launch the province's first dedicated Anti-Retroviral Treatment Centre in Gugulethu on Thursday 3 March 2005. Read More

Project Launch to Prevent Diarrhoeal Disease in Children

14 February 2005

Photo opportunity Place: Wallacedene Time: 14h30 Date: 16 February 2005. Note: Radio stations wanting a soundbite can call Min Uys on 082 4555 144 Read More

Western Cape Rehabilitation Centre Offically Opened

2 December 2004

Another Health Care 2010 Vision becomes a Reality! Read More

New Rehabilitation Centre of Excellence Open on 3 December 2004

2 December 2004

For the past year a section of the premises of Lentegeur Psychiatric Hospital in Mitchells Plain has been a buzzing hive of building activity. Read More

Official Opening of the Western Cape Rehabilitation Centre

1 December 2004

Lentegeur, Mitchells Plain 3 December 2004 Dignitaries, Guests, Staff & Patients are kindly requested to arrive at 09:00 for 09:30 Read More

International Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Day

30 November 2004

9 September 2004 Read More

Opening of Consolidated Service Laboratory at Groote Schuur Hospital

30 November 2004

The Western Cape Minister of Health, Pierre Uys, and the CEO of the National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS), John Robertson, officially opened a new R5 million state-of-the-art consolidated laboratory service at the Groote Schuur Hospital on 11... Read More

Opening of Psychosis Recovery Unit

30 November 2004

Another first for health services in the Western Cape: Opening of Psychosis Recovery Unit by Health Minister Pierre Uys. Place: Lentegeur Hospital, Mitchells Plain Date: 5 November 2004 Time: 12h30 Enquiries: Herman van der Westhuizen:... Read More
