Transport and Public Works Working Non-stop to Repair R60 | Western Cape Government


Transport and Public Works Working Non-stop to Repair R60

21 February 2013

The R60 should be fully repaired by the end of April 2013, weather permitting.

In November 2012, a slip failure created a large crater on the R60 between Ashton and Swellendam.

Initially it was estimated the road would be open for traffic by the end of February 2013. However, the scope of the repair is greater than what was originally estimated.

The contractor is working tirelessly to get the road ready for motorists:

  • The rockfill and drainage layer on top of the rockfill is complete.
  • Subsoil drains along the toe of the fill as well as along the sides are now also complete.

Backfilling of the crater is progressing well. Programmed at a rate of 1 000 m³ per day, some days exceeding that, the total backfill is estimated at about 42 000 m³.

Motorists are requested to continue following the temporary road signs redirecting traffic via the N2 and the R317. The signs were erected at major intersections in the following areas:

  • Ashton
  • Robertson
  • Bonnievale
  • Swellendam
Media Enquiries: 

Al-Ameen Kafaar
Head of Communication: Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 9653
Cell: 083 626 1361