Western Cape Taxi Groups Jion Forces to Create One Representative for the Taxi Industry | Western Cape Government


Western Cape Taxi Groups Jion Forces to Create One Representative for the Taxi Industry

12 July 2010

The two biggest organisations representing the minibus taxi industry in the Western Cape have agreed to join forces to establish one house for the minibus taxi industry in the province.

This follows year long negotiations between the leaders of the South Africa National Taxi Council (SANTACO) and the Western Cape National Taxi Alliance (NTA), the Provincial Government and the City of Cape Town.

Minister of Transport and Public Works, Robin Carlisle, applauded the development as a historic achievement for the future of public transport in the province.

"I have always been firmly of the view that we need a single representative body for the minibus taxi industry to allow the industry to flourish. This marks the beginning of a new era with new opportunities for closer and harmonious collaboration for the benefit of the taxi industry and commuters in the province."

"It will go a long way to end the divisions that have often plagued the minibus taxi in the province at the expense of providing a safe, reliable and affordable public transport service to commuters."

"This achievement is a watershed moment for the relationship between the minibus taxi industry and the Provincial Government and City of Cape Town."

"The Provincial Government and City of Cape Town will do everything possible to support this landmark initiative. We will also work tirelessly with the leaders of the minibus taxi industry to ensure a prosperous future for the taxi industry."

"I'm grateful to both Mr. Mata and Mr. Billet for their commitment to unite the minibus taxi industry in the province. This achievement would still be a far-fetched dream had it not been for their patience, understanding and decisive leadership during the lengthy and stressful negotiations we had for the past 13 months. However, the hard works starts now. All of us will have to work together even harder to guarantee the success of this great achievement we are celebrating today."

The Chairperson of the SANTACO-Western Cape, Mr. Billet highlighted his organisation's commitment to work together with the Provincial Government for the prosperity and growth of the minibus taxi industry.

"This achievement is a testament to our commitment to create a long lasting peaceful environment for the taxi industry to flourish and to consolidate our harmonious working relationship with the provincial government and City of Cape Town" added Mr. Billet.

"We are happy that we helped to achieve the goal of building one house for the entire minibus taxi industry in the province. We will continue to work together with the Provincial Government to ensure that this house we are building survives all seasons," concluded Mr. Mata.

Media Enquiries: 

Solly Malatsi
Media Liaison Officer
Ministry of Transport and Public Works
Western Cape Provincial Government
Tel: 021 483 8954
Cell: 083 641 9691