Toll fees hike for Chapman’s Peak Drive | Western Cape Government



Toll fees hike for Chapman’s Peak Drive

27 June 2016

Toll fees on Chapman’s Peak Drive will increase to R21 for registered minibus taxi operators, R27 for motorcycles, and R42 for light motor vehicles with effect from 1 July 2016. The contract between the Department of Transport and Public Works and Entilini provides for an inflation-linked annual increase in toll fees plus 0.4%.

  • Registered frequent users receive a discount with effect from the fourth trip in a calendar month. The size of the discount increases with the number of trips.
  • Road users with a valid Wild Card who have registered with Entilini receive a discount from the first trip. Wild Cards may be obtained from South African National Parks or CapeNature. This is for non-commercial use and not applicable to Category 1 motorcyclists.
  • Registered frequent users can use a credit card or a card supplied by the operator. If they use the operator’s card, the card must have R50 in credit plus the equivalent of one standard trip toll. No deposit is needed if a credit card is used.

Ambulances, police, fire trucks and rescue vehicles with the appropriate licences will be exempted from paying toll fees in the performance of their official duties.

Follow Chapman’s Peak Drive on Twitter @ChapmansPeakSA

Media Enquiries: 
Byron la Hoe
Communication Officer
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 9813
Cell: 079 281 8570

You can follow the Department of Transport and Public Works on Twitter: @WCGovTPW