Premier Winde hands over book donation to Hanover Park Library | Western Cape Government



Premier Winde hands over book donation to Hanover Park Library

3 October 2019


Yesterday, Western Cape Premier Alan Winde handed over hundreds of children’s books to the Hanover Park library.


During the hand over, children read to the Premier from their favourite books, and he spent some time reading to them. The children selected A Christmas Carol for him to read.


The Western Cape Government undertook a massive book donation drive, entitled the Book Han(d)over Project as part of the Hanover Park Blitz. The blitz was aimed at improving facilities and infrastructure in the area which could contribute to improving safety.


So far, over 8000 books have been received with a major donation received from NB Publishers. Local children’s book illustrator Vian Oelofson approached the publisher, who generously donated thousands of books to the drive.


Premier Winde said: “Individuals and businesses in the province really opened their hearts in this book drive and as a result of the massive success, we are able to provide books to schools and libraries across the province. I want to say a heartfelt thank you to NB Publishers, Vian Oelofson and his wife Sunet Bodenstein and every single individual who contributed books to this drive, for taking on the responsibility of making this province better and for practicing the values of sharing and generosity.”


“Libraries are so important in communities, offering safe spaces where children and adults alike can go, giving them an opportunity to learn new things,” he said.


“Developing a reading culture among children is of utmost importance if we want to give them the best educational opportunities. South Africa has a long way to go in developing reading literacy and comprehension. Reading should not only be taking place at school, but in the home as well, and community libraries like the Hanover Park library play an important role in ensuring that communities have access to books and in encouraging reading among children", the Premier said.


The call for child friendly book donations has been extended until 30 November 2019. Donations of new or used children’s books in all languages and in good condition as well as educational books, school textbooks, and dictionaries are welcome. These can be dropped off at the Western Cape Government Walk-In Centre at 7 Wale Street, Cape Town.


Media Enquiries: 

Bianca Capazorio

Spokesperson for Premier Alan Winde

Tel: 021 483 5004

Cell: 072 372 7044
