Notice of road maintenance on Route 44 and Route 46 | Western Cape Government



Notice of road maintenance on Route 44 and Route 46

3 April 2019
R44 and R46 R44 and R46

Half-width construction will take place between March 2019 and February 2020 on the R44 between Wellington and Gouda, and on the R46 between Malmesbury and Hermon.

Stop/ go closures will be in place on these routes, and motorists can expect to have to wait up to 20 minutes at each closure. There will be a maximum of four closures on the R44 at a time, and a maximum of three closures on the R46. This means that there could be delays of between 60 and 80 minutes on these routes.

Motorists are strongly advised to use the alternative routes shown on the map overleaf.

Media Enquiries: 

Byron la Hoe
Communication Officer
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 9813
Cell: 079 281 8570