Minister Marais sends Yeboneers to work placements as training is complete | Western Cape Government



Minister Marais sends Yeboneers to work placements as training is complete

4 March 2021

This afternoon, Minister Anroux Marias celebrated the Year Beyond data, better known as the YeBo Data cohort, after successfully completing their training and now moving into their work placements until December. 

As the Western Cape Government is committed to creating pathways to work or studies for our youth, our YearBeyond programme empowers young people with skills and competencies that prepare them for the world of work and studies through work experience, personal development and mentorship. 

For this to optimally succeed, the whole of society needs to join the movement to address youth employment. As such, the Western Cape Government works in partnership with other innovative stakeholders who are equipped to deliver the programme and have a track record of delivering social impact. The YeBo data is an example of such a programme. 

To proactively contribute to social impact, YearBeyond has partnered with CapaCiTi Tech Accelerator to implement a data administration programme for young people between the ages 18 to 25. The programme serves to respond to the increasing demand in big data and data science which has resulted in several entry level opportunities opening around basic data administration. 

Through this programme, participants will now be equipped with the technical and interpersonal skills needed by a 21st century knowledge economy. Acting as a bridge between secondary education and further education or employment, the programme offers a focused intervention that takes an individual through an intensive and holistic career-readiness pathway. The much-needed workplace experience component provides an on-the-job integration, track promoting career intelligence and developing social capital and essential skills in the workplace for participants.

At the send-off ceremony, Minister Marais said, “Today, we celebrate the cohort of 60 YeBoneers who began the YearBeyond data administration stream in November 2020 and are now going off to various Western Cape Government departments, social sector organisations and the private sector to begin the work experience component of the year-long programme. We wish all of you the very best with this next exciting phase.

I take this opportunity to wholeheartedly thank CapaCiTi Tech Accelerator, the Implementing partner for the programme, particularly, the support staff to the YeBoneers. We are also grateful to the various Western Cape Government departments, social and private sector partners for their willingness to provide work experience opportunities to our YeBoneers. Much appreciation is extended to MSDF and Community Chest for their continued commitment to support the work of the Department’s Youth Service office.

Lastly and certainly most significant, the greatest gratitude goes to our YeBoneers – for their commitment and dedication to the programme. We commend their self determination to constructively empower themselves with the skills needed to reach greater heights. I eagerly look forward to your prosperous futures and the positive change you are to make not only in your own lives but that of your families and communities you call home”.

Media Enquiries: 

Stacy McLean 
Spokesperson for the Minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport, Anroux Marais 
083 504 1171