Media release: Winde reiterates offer of salary money to get more police reservists on patrol
21 November 2018
Today, I note the report compiled by the Provincial Police Ombudsman detailing the significant decline in the deployment of police reservists in our province.
I call on the national Police Minister, Bheki Cele, to urgently address this matter. Reservists are a critical force multiplier, and can play a vital role in stemming the tide of crime in our vulnerable communities. There is a particular need for more policing now as we move toward the festive season and expect the traditional spike in crime.
The Western Cape Government has made R5 million available in its budget this year to fund the deployment of additional reservists. Despite repeated requests, we await a response from the national government on the take up of this funding. There is no reason why national should not take up this offer of funding. In fact, not doing would be a crime against the people of the Western Cape, who have been left unduly exposed due to the lack of police resources in our province.
The R5 million we have set aside would put 195 extra police reservists on duty every day during the peak festive season (mid-December – mid-January). Police reservists have the same powers, functions and duties as police, they patrol in the same uniform and are armed under the same conditions as ordinary SAPS members. They would still be expected to work the compulsory 16 hours as volunteers, after which time they will be remunerated for additional work done.
Reservists are also capable of performing administrative duties at police stations, to free SAPS officers up to do visible policing work.
Minister Cele, you are the only stumbling block toward safer communities this festive season. Give our funding the go ahead so these reservists can get to work.
Marcellino Martin
Spokesperson for Minister Alan Winde
082 721 3362 (m)
021 483 3873 (o)
Alternatively contact;
Tammy De Decker
Strategic Coordinator
Ministry of Community Safety
021 483 4327 (m)
076 941 9159 (o)