Media Alert: Launch of Western Cape Government ‘Respect’ Campaign | Western Cape Government



Media Alert: Launch of Western Cape Government ‘Respect’ Campaign

24 November 2014

Today, 24 November 2014, Minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport, Dr Nomafrench Mbombo and South Africa’s local celebrities will be launching the ‘Create a Culture of Respect’ campaign in light of the 16 days of Activism movement.

The Minister, local stars/celebrities and sporting heroes will co-sign a pledge committing to fighting against the abuse of women and children in their different career fields.

Minister Mbombo has partnered up with our sport stars, actors, comedians and radio personalities to make a plea to the people of the Western Cape to ‘Create a Culture of Respect’ and take a stand against this abuse of our most vulnerable people in society. They will use their influence in each field to effect change and speak to people across the province.

This initiative aims to ensure that the protection of women and children goes far beyond the 16 days of this campaign.

There will be opportunities for interviews and photographs.

Date: 24 November 2014
Time: 11:00
Venue: Provincial Legislature New Media Room, 15 Wale Street.

Media Enquiries: 

Siviwe Gwarube
Spokesperson for Minister Mbombo
Tel: 021 483 9800/ 076 055 6280