I am extremely angry at the latest shooting incidents that occurred in Khayelitsha and Manenberg. On Sunday evening in Ekuphumleni, which is situated in Khayelitsha, 3 members of a family were fatally shot in their home. In Manenberg, this morning, there were attempts to shoot and kill 5 people.
I want these perpetrators found and arrested speedily. This terror has no place in our society and must be brought to an end.
Khayelitsha has been plagued by severe shooting incidents and this cannot be allowed to continue unabated. The flare ups of gang related shootings in Manenberg are of deep concern and must also immediately stop.
I call on SAPS to leave no stone unturned and to urgently track these heartless criminals down. Every bit of crime intelligence and investigation ability should be employed to find and arrest these criminals. My plea to the community is to assist SAPS and law enforcement by providing any leads they might have so that these perpetrators can be arrested. We must ensure they face the full might of the law.
The days of gangsters running around like they own the place and terrorising our residents are over.
I want residents not to lose hope, as I will continue to advocate that the National Government provide the additional policing resources that we so greatly need and deserve.
Marcellino Martin
Spokesperson for Minister Reagen Allen
082 721 3362 (m)