DSD Presents 2021/22 Annual Report to Standing Committee | Western Cape Government



DSD Presents 2021/22 Annual Report to Standing Committee

18 October 2022

The Western Cape Department of Social Development presented its 2021/22 annual report to the standing committee in the Western Cape Provincial Parliament this morning, highlighting several achievements in prioritising the wellbeing and dignity of our citizens, and a clean audit outcome from the Auditor-General of South Africa.

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, DSD experienced an increased demand for social welfare and community development services. The Department responded with the provision of humanitarian relief to the most vulnerable and food insecure, and in addition, strengthened our focus on strategic priority areas and statutory services such as family preservation, child protection, services to persons with disabilities, substance use disorder services, and gender-based violence support services.

We thank team DSD, as well as our NPO partners, who ensured that despite a difficult period that was characterised by residual Covid-19 restrictions on gatherings as well as funding pressures, we were able to deliver on our mandates, and contribute to the Covid-19 Recovery Plan, under the Wellbeing priority area.

The Department’s R2,705 billion budget was allocated to five programmes:

Administration: R241, 891m

Social Welfare Services: R1, 050bn

Children and Families: R853, 658m

Restorative Services: R466, 393m

Development and Research: R93, 209m

Through these programmes, the department’s achievements included:

  • Expansion of access to psychosocial support to 21 879 victims of GBV, and the expansion of shelters into rural areas. Six new shelters became fully operational, bringing the total to 26.
  • Increased number of subsidised bed spaces in shelters for homeless adults from 2 031 to 2 208 at 37 funded shelters across the province.
  • Care and support services were provided to protect vulnerable children and families. The Risiha programme, a community-based programme, provided 8 834 vulnerable children living in disadvantaged communities with access to prevention and early interventions services.
  • 19 563 families participated in family preservation and support services
  • School-based crime prevention programmes were prioritised for learners with behaviour conduct disorders. This programme reached 5 806 children.
  • There was an increase in demand for alternative care services, and 3 492 children were placed into foster care, while 3 035 parents and caregivers participated in parent and education programmes.
  • A total of 114 221 Persons with Disabilities and their families or caregivers accessed care and support services.
  • Through the Sanitary Dignity Project, 999 612 packs of sanitary pads were distributed to 223 schools across the province.
  • We subsidised 58 538 children in Early Childhood Development Centres, and 6 587 children in after school care facilities. We further funded 95 ECDs to provide specialized support to children who were at risk of not reaching their milestones. *On 1 April, 2022, the ECD function was successfully transferred from DSD to the Western Cape Education Department.
  • A total of 11 960 clients received substance use disorder services, including 1 090 learners accessed school-based programmes.
  • In addition to our mandated services, DSD provided food relief interventions to 270 802 food insecure beneficiaries across the province. The beneficiary profiles are: 135 401 women (50 percent), 56 868 men; (21 percent), 78 533 children (29 percent) received meals.

The DSD Annual Report 2021/22 can be accessed by clicking here. A copy of the DSD Citizens Report 2021/22  can be accessed here.

Media Enquiries: 

Esther Lewis
Head of Communications

Department of Social Development

Tel: 072 647 2351