Today, 1st of October 2019, is International Day of Older Persons.
The Western Cape Department of Social Development (DSD) commemorates this day as part of Older Persons Week and Social Development Month.
Minister Fernandez Said: “We have a responsibility to do for people what they cannot reasonably be expected to do for themselves, and as a caring government, frail and impoverished older persons should be prioritised for services and protection. At present, the number of funded NPOs that render services to older persons is 364, of which, 118 are residential facilities.”
It is essential that all of these facilities are registered, to ensure they comply with new legislation under the Older Persons Act. The Act serves to ensure that the rights of all older persons are being respected and that they receive dignified care and protection, irrespective of whether government funds the facility or not.
Older persons are often marginalised in their communities and through the Department’s initiatives, we aim showcase the value that older persons add to their families, communities and society as a whole.
DSD is acutely aware of the rapidly expanding need for care and services to older persons, and as such, we have this year increased our budget for this programme to R248. million, up from R236 millionm last year.
“Service centres for older persons are becoming very popular among our senior citizens across the Province. We will continue to expand our current service centres, in addition to the more than 200 centres that are currently operational across the Western Cape. The Department’s funded service centres allows older persons take part in programmes and activities that promote active ageing that improve general well-being. While this day is all about celebrating and paying tribute to our older persons, we also have to acknowledge the ongoing attacks and violence affecting the elderly. Seniors are often one of the most vulnerable to crime in society. I therefore want to appeal to all our residents to reach out to the elderly people in their respective communities,” says Minister Fernandez.
Under the leadership of Minister Fernandez, the Western Cape Department of Social Development remains dedicated to helping those in need of social services, in particularly, those who are poor and vulnerable people who have been affected by socio-economic and structural challenges.
Joshua Covenant Chigome
Spokesperson for the Minister of Social Development, Minister Sharna Fernandez
Tel: 021 483 9217
Cell: 083 661 4949
Private Bag X9112, Cape Town, 8000
14 Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town, 8001