DCAS proactively supporting creativity for young learners during lockdown | Western Cape Government



DCAS proactively supporting creativity for young learners during lockdown

18 May 2020

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, and subsequent school shut down, many of our most vulnerable learners in the province are at home without access to learner-led fun and educational material.

A partnership quickly emerged between the After School Programme Office (The Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport), The Learning Trust, ASSITEJ-SA and the Laureus Sport for Good Foundation to develop an online resource portal for NGOs to share activities to do while at home. If you would like to view or contribute, please do so by visiting the Treasure Box. All the resources are available to anyone who can connect online.

However, Minister Anroux Marais said, “Recognizing that many vulnerable learners cannot access online resources the next action was to print an offline pack for learners and to make provision for data-free access going forward”.

The team then transformed the treasure box into an attractive printed booklet for learners to explore the wonders of whole child development. The first resource is aimed at the household level, targeting learners between grades 1-5. Next, we are looking at a senior primary resource.

Minister Marais added, “At its core, this is an advocacy project for After School Programme providers, at a time when activities and learning approaches that go beyond the school classroom are in heavy demand. Every resource in the booklet will profile the NGOs who have submitted content on the portal”.

The printed resource will be distributed among various NGOs and at schools across the province. An illustrative video can be found on here.

Despite school closures, quality education remains a priority as the Western Cape Government works tirelessly to expose learners to a variety of learning platforms and availing e-Resources to compliment curriculum needs.

Media Enquiries: 

Stacy McLean

Spokesperson for the Minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport, Anroux Marais

083 504 1171