Media release: Premier writes to Finance Minister objecting to bid to exempt Eskom from disclosing financial statements
This week Premier Alan Winde wrote to Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana, on behalf of the Western Cape Government (WCG), objecting to the proposal to exempt Eskom from disclosing its irregular, fruitless, and wasteful expenditure in its annual financial statements for 2022/23 and the following two years. The Premier also ventilated his concerns over the exemption bid itself.
Among the key concerns cited by the Premier in his letter are:
Premier Winde continued, “As a country that has seen the adverse effects of unchecked corruption and public mismanagement, it is critical that each public institution embeds within its protocols and regulations the principles of good governance and transparency. International best accounting practices place oversight and the accurate recording of all transactions at the very centre of ensuring that institutions work for the good of the public.”
In the letter he added, “Rather than looking to exempt Eskom, the National Treasury should institute further scrutiny and support in rooting out the maladministration and corruption in the institution. I encourage the Minster and the National Treasury to not proceed with the proposed exemption and allow our democratic processes and our parliamentary oversight bodies to protect South Africans and their rights”.
The Premier concluded that should Minister Godongwana and the National Treasury push ahead they should, “withdraw the invitation for comment and re-issue it in a compliant form so as to ensure adherence to the principles of procedural fairness and rationality.”
At his weekly Energy Digicon, Premier Winded remarked, “In an organisation that has questions around its governance, the worst thing in the world to do is give extra governance reprieves and to allow further regression.”