Premier Winde calls on residents to use last day of 2022 Census to get counted | Western Cape Government


Premier Winde calls on residents to use last day of 2022 Census to get counted

31 May 2022

Media release: With 81% of WC households counted, Premier Winde calls on residents to use last day of 2022 Census to get counted.

With 81% of households in the province counted to date, I call on all residents in the Western Cape to use the final day of the 2022 Census today to make sure that they are counted or help others who have not yet done so to get counted.

Following the end of the count today, Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) will embark on an exercise of verifying their count of households in the province.

Of those counted by StatsSA to date:

  • 73% were counted by field officers;
  • 8% were counted online;
  • 12% of field counting remains in progress;
  • 3% of online counting remains in progress; and
  • 4% are outstanding.

We must ensure an accurate count so that we receive our fair share of the budget, amid a growing population and a constrained fiscal environment. If we do not achieve an accurate count, we risk placing our ability to deliver key services, particularly in education and healthcare, at risk.

To those of you who have not yet done so, please use this final day of the count to ensure that you and your household get counted. We must all play our part, and we can do so by:

Please see the Premier’s previous statements on the 2022 Census here: