Salary increase for social workers | Western Cape Government



Salary increase for social workers

14 April 2015

In the wake of commemorating International Social Workers Day and the announcement made by Minister Albert Fritz during his Budget Vote speech last month, the Western Cape Department of Social Development will be increasing funding for social workers working in department funded NGOs.

The department will be increasing funding for social worker posts at funded NGOs by;

  • 22% for Social Work Managers,
  • 40% for Social Work Supervisors, and
  • 40% for Social Workers.

Social workers work at the coal-face of service delivery, and contribute towards achieving our vision of creating a self-reliant society.

As we begin to deliver on the new Provincial Strategic Goals, specifically; Strategic Goal 2 - which calls on us to improve education outcomes and opportunities for youth development, and Strategic Goal 3 – which calls on us to increase wellness, safety and tackle social ills, social workers will form the back-bone of our efforts.

The Department of Social Development will continue to capacitate and develop the 817 social workers and 80 social work supervisors currently working within the department, and the 893 social workers we fund who work within our NGO partners. In addition, we will continue to support and encourage young people looking to take up social work as a profession. We have provided bursaries to 409 students currently studying at universities in the province.

I call on citizens to support social workers working in their communities, so that we can continue tackling poverty and social ills ‘Better Together’.

Media Enquiries: 

Sihle Ngobese
Spokesperson for Albert Fritz, Minister of Social Development
7th floor, 14 Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town, 8000
Tel: (021) 483 9217
Cell:  083 280 9199