On Tuesday, 28 November 2023, the Department of Local Government convened its biannual MinMay meeting, a strategic engagement chaired by Minister Anton Bredell, MEC for Minister for Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning. The forum is attended by Mayors, Municipal Managers, and other governmental stakeholders with the purpose to foster insightful discussions and collaboration to address critical municipal matters affecting the province and its citizens.
In absence of Minister Bredell, the meeting was chaired by Minister Anroux Marais, Minister for Cultural Affairs and Sports and facilitated by Director General, Dr Harry Malila. The meeting covered a wide range of topics, including but not limited to, presentations on the Municipal Economic Review Outlook for 2023, progress on the assignment of the Public Library Service to municipalities and an update on the National Framework on Professionalisation.
Ms Nadia Rinquest, Director: Local Government Budget Office provided a detailed an overview of the Municipal Economic Review Outlook (MERO) 2023, including a breakdown of the municipal economic status, highlighting that the province has created about 125000 jobs post Covid 19, and an increase in teenage pregnancy and gang related crime.
Mr Guy Redman, Head of Department of Cultural and Sports presented on the progress of the assignment of the Public Library Service to municipalities. This matter is quite a topical matter currently within the municipal space and was followed by an in-depth discussion on roles and responsibilities between DCAS and local municipalities.
National presentations were done on the implementation of the National Framework on Professionalisation as well as the National Policy for Beneficiary Selection and Land Allocation Policy. These discussions focused on skills and development programmes in the local government sphere as well as discussing the national policy and recommendations on land reform.
The Western Cape Government remains steadfast in its commitment to empower municipalities, foster collaboration, and address municipal issues proactively. By focusing on shared solutions and working together, the Department aims to create a more prosperous, resilient, and sustainable living environment for the province's citizens.
Patience Dlikilili
Assistant Director: Corporate Communications