New Disaster Management Institute of Southern Africa President Excited for Challenge | Western Cape Government


New Disaster Management Institute of Southern Africa President Excited for Challenge

13 September 2010

On Friday, 10 September, Schalk Carstens from the Provincial Disaster Management Centre (PDMC) was elected as President of the Disaster Management Institute of Southern Africa (DMISA). Carstens will serve in this post for the next two years.

In his acceptance speech, Carstens said that he would prioritise disaster management in the organisation of massive events, like the recently held 2010 FIFA World Cup. He also stated that he will engage with political office bearers on the value and seriousness of disaster management and will ensure that Disaster Management practitioners are recognised for their sterling work.

Anton Bredell, Minister of Local Government, congratulated Carstens on this achievement, "Disaster Management is crucial in a province like ours, which has regular fire and flood seasons. It is important that we have competent, motivated people like Schalk taking the lead in order to adequately prepare for and respond to possible disasters."

DMISA is an internationally recognised body which establishes codes of conduct and ethical standards, advocates international Disaster Management best practice and nurtures a culture of disaster risk reduction.

Carstens, who is currently the Director of Risk Management at the PDMC, said he is very excited about his new position and is looking forward to the new challenges it will bring.

Media Enquiries: 

Tania Colyn
Cell: 076 093 4913

Heini Odendal
Cell: 084 959 4515