Oudtshoorn Intervention Update | Western Cape Government


Oudtshoorn Intervention Update

15 July 2015

The Provincial Department of Local Government welcomes the intervention by the Provincial Treasury in the Oudtshoorn council under section 139 (4) of the Constitution.

The Minister of Local Government in the Western Cape, Anton Bredell says the intervention was brought about by the council’s recent failure to pass a budget for the new financial year.

“Failure to comply with the requirement of passing a budget, means the Provincial Treasury is managing the municipality’s finances for now.”

Bredell says he remains in consultation with the Provincial Treasury and the National Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs towards a final solution for the Oudtshoorn Municipality.

“The resolution of the ongoing challenges that has plagued Oudtshoorn for the past few years is keeping me and my department busy. Officials have visited the municipality already and assessment of the situation continues. We are determined to ensure a lasting and sustainable solution for the people of Oudtshoorn, at all times led by the legal framework applying to local government.”

Further Announcements will follow as developments unfold.

Media Enquiries: 

James-Brent Styan
Media Liaison Officer
Telephone:  021 483 2820
E-mail:          James-Brent.Styan@westerncape.gov.za