Public Information: Y | Western Cape Government

Public Information: Y

General information publications, listed alphabetically. These documents are also placed under the relevant life events and categories in Your Life and Topics.

The Youth Entrepreneurship Connect (YEC) 2014 Student Entrepreneurs’ Conference was hosted on Saturday 27 September at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) and the theme of this ye

Applications to join Year Beyond in 2019 are now open. Space is limited. Apply now!

Yellow Level 4 & Satellite Weather update 9 July 2024

Here is the latest satellite image of the Western Cape with the current position of the cold front south-west of the country moving in an easterly direction.

The cold front is expected to make landfall early afternoon (12:00-13:00 SAST).

The 24-hour rainfall accumulations are also included (Until 08:00 = previous day; From 08:00 = yesterday until 08:00 this morning).


(File type: pdf; size: 1.19 MB)

Social Assistance is an income transfer in the form of grants provided by the government. A social grant refers to grants paid by the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) that is, diasability grant, a grant for odler persons and a war veteran's grant, foster child grant, care dependency grant, child support grant and a grant-in-aid.

Cancer has taken more lives than AIDS, TB and malaria combined.

In 2018, Tygerberg Hospital saw a total of 5339 cancer patients, and Groote Schuur Hospital saw a total of 3002 new cancer patients. 

Although these stats can be scary, there is hope. Being well-informed about cancer could save your life, or the life of a loved one.

Passing matric is one of the most important milestones of your life – the first step on your road to your dream career.

Together we can avoid Day Zero. Find out how you can get the most out of your allocated 50ℓ of water per day.

The Department's business is to provide homes for its citizens. We want to make the process of applying for a house as simple as possible and aim to make it easy for you to be updated about the process once it is started. Once you become a homeowner, we want to facilitate as far as possible that you hold on to your property and turn it into an asset that can become the cornerstone of your financial security.

Cancer is a difficult battle to overcome and is even more challenging when you’re a child, adolescent or young adult. Cancer patients are usually split into 2 groups; children and adults. This is because the needs of children vary greatly.

Professor Alan Davidson is the Head of Haemotology (the branch of medicine involving the study and treatment of blood) and Oncology (the study and treatment of tumours and cancer) at Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital.

The Western Cape Department of Human Settlement is committed to youth empowerment particularly job opportunities and skills in various disciplines within the built environment sector. It is also committed to provide youth with tools and knowledge to empower themselves to become more employable.

Let's empower our youth this Youth Month. Find out what youth development programmes, internships and bursary programmes are available. 

This year we celebrate our youth under the theme: Youth action for economic freedom in our lifetime.

It’s been 39 years since the Soweto Uprising on 16 June 1976, when 15 000 students gathered outside the Orlando West Secondary School, to participate in a peaceful march against the use of Afrikaans in their classrooms.