Western Cape Provincial Bills: 2003 | Western Cape Government

Western Cape Provincial Bills: 2003

(File type: pdf; size: 104.21 KB)2003
The object of the Bill is to give effect to the Fourth Report of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, dated 25 November 2002, namely that certain unauthorised expenditure reported by the Auditor-General in the Report on the Accounts of the Provincial Administration of the Western Cape for the 2001/2002 financial year be authorised as a direct charge against the Provincial Revenue Fund.
(File type: pdf; size: 125.61 KB)No. 8 of 2003
This Bill aims to provide for the establishment of the Destination Marketing Organisation; to provide for its composition, powers and functions; to provide for the promotion of tourism and the related economic development of the Western Cape and to repeal the Western Cape Tourism Act, 1997.