Safety features in Breaking New Ground (BNG) homes

31 March 2023
Note: Item issued by the Department of Infrastructure

Western Cape MEC of Infrastructure welcomes the announcement to introduce new features to BNG units by the National Minister of Human Settlements

The Provincial Minister of Infrastructure Tertuis Simmers welcomes the introduction of safety features in Breaking New Ground (BNG) homes designated for beneficiaries living with disabilities. Today, the National Minister of Human Settlements Mmamoloko Kubayi, announced adjustments and the introduction of new features to the subsidy quantum and BNG units, respectively.

 The increase of 29.7 % on the subsidy quantum and adjustment to programmes will come into effect on  April 1, 2023, and are as follows:

  • BNG services and top structure will move from R196 887 to R255 364
  • Houses for persons with disabilities will move from R209 071 to R271 166
  • Military veterans’ houses will move from R240 607 to R312 069
  • First Home Finance will move from R130 505 to R169 265
  • Social Housing will from R327 667 to R424 984

 The enhancement of BNG units includes the installation of Solar panels. The other notable new feature is the fitting of burglar bars to all units designated for persons living with disabilities. All these will be for projects that are in construction as of 1 April 2023.

 Speaking on the pronouncement the Provincial Minister Tertuis Simmers, said: “ As the Western Cape, we welcome the introduction of safety features in the houses designated for people living with disabilities. This speaks directly to two of our provincial priorities of Safety and Wellbeing. The installation of solar panels is a welcomed addition. It must be noted that in the Western Cape Human Settlements branch we have already introduced the installation of solar geysers as tabled in my budget speech earlier this week. In line with the Western Cape Government’s mitigating response to the Energy crisis.”

The Provincial Minister reiterated that clarity on the rollout of this pronouncement will need to be given, “whilst we welcome these initiatives, it needs to be clarified as to how these additional features are going to be funded. Will it be top sliced or withdrawn from the Human Settlements Development Grant (HSDG) as an unintended consequence?” added Minister Simmers.

Media Enquiries:

Ntobeko Mbingeleli

Spokesperson for Minister Tertuis Simmers

021 483 2872 (o)

061 447 7851 (m)