Liquor | Western Cape Government


Call for nominations for the appointment of a Deputy Presiding Officer of the Liquor Licensing Tribunal.

(Public Information)
The Western Cape Liquor Authority calls for nominations of persons to be appointed as a Deputy Presiding Officer of the Liquor Licensing Tribunal. This notice is Gazetted and published and is in relation to the appointment of a Liquor Licensing Tribunal (LLT) member (DPO) of the WCLA. Regulation 6(4) requires of the Department to ensure that the notice is published in the Provincial Gazette which can be viewed via the below link.

Call for nominations for the appointment of members of the Governing Board of the Western Cape Liquor Authority

(Public Information)
The Western Cape Liquor Authority (“the WCLA”) is established by section 2 of the Western Cape Liquor Act, 2008 (Act 4 of 2008) (“the Act”). There is currently a vacancy on the governing board (“the Board”) of the WCLA for a person who meets the requirements set out below. Interested persons are invited to nominate candidates who in their opinion are suitable to be appointed as a member of the Board.

Call for nominations for the appointment of members of the Governing Board of the Western Cape Liquor Authority

(Public Information)
The Western Cape Liquor Authority (“WCLA”) is established by section 2 of the Western Cape Liquor Act, 2008 (Act 4 of 2008) (“the Act”). There are currently vacancies on the governing board (“the Board”) of the WCLA for persons who meet the requirements set out below. Interested persons are invited to nominate candidates who in their opinion are suitable to be appointed as members of the Board. A similar invitation for nominations was published under Provincial Notice 119/2023 of 17 November 2023.

Call for nominations for the appointment of members of the Governing Board of the Western Cape Liquor Authority

(Public Information)
The Western Cape Liquor Authority (“WCLA”) is established by section 2 of the Western Cape Liquor Act, 2008 (Act 4 of 2008) (“the Act”). There are currently vacancies on the governing board (“the Board”) of the WCLA for persons who meet the requirements set out below. Interested persons are invited to nominate candidates who in their opinion are suitable to be appointed as members of the Board. A similar invitation for nominations was published under Provincial Notice 93/2020 of 25 September 2020.

Current Valid Liquor Licences in the Western Cape

(Public Information)
This is a summary of all valid liquor licences in the Western Cape as of August 2003 to current.

Invitation for nominations to fill vacancies on the Western Cape Liquor Board

(Public Information)

Liquor Act, 59 of 2003

No. 59 of 2003Department of Trade and Industry (National) (The Government of South Africa)
The act provides for essential national standards and minimum standards required for the rendering of services. It also provides for measures to promote co-operative government in the area of liquor regulation.

Liquor Bill

(File type: pdf; size: 109.13 KB)27 March 2003Department of Trade and Industry (National) (The Government of South Africa)
This bill aims to establish national norms and standards in order to maintain economic unity within the liquor industry so as to provide for essential national standards and minimum standards. It also aims to regulate the micro-manufacture or the retail sale of liquor for consumption as well as promoting co-operative government in the area of liquor regulation.

Liquor Policy Paper

Department of Trade and Industry (National) (The Government of South Africa)
The policy recognises that use and abuse of liquor and using alcohol as a form of social and economic control are serious problems that need to be redressed. The policy aims to regulate the production, distribution and sale of liquor and to control the economic and social costs of excessive alcohol consumption through restructuring the liquor industry, incorporating socio-economic goals, and developing a new institutional framework for regulation of the liquor industry.