Heritage Western Cape | Western Cape Government

Heritage Western Cape

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Reyhana Gani (Chair)     Adv Mandla Mdludlu 
Dennis Belter
Ron Martin
Siphiwo Mavumengwana
Tyrone Ontong 
Cornelia Smarts
Heidi Boise 
Cedric Daniels 

What is Heritage Western Cape?

Heritage Western Cape is a provincial heritage resources authority. Established in January 2003, this public entity seeks to identify, protect and conserve the rich and diverse heritage resources of the Western Cape. There are landscapes, sites, artefacts, buildings and structures that are of significance to the people of the Western Cape. Identifying, protecting and conserving these heritage resources will ensure that they are promoted and conserved for generations to come.

Heritage Western Cape was established in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act, Act 25 of 1999. It is mandated to promote co-operative governance between national, provincial and local authorities for the identification, conservation and management of heritage resources. In promoting heritage, Heritage Western Cape recognises that heritage resources are both tangible and intangible. These include:

  • Monuments,
  • Places of worship,
  • Historical sites,
  • Sacred sites,
  • Oral traditions,
  • Indigenous knowledge systems,
  • Structures associated with slavery,
  • Palaeontological artefacts such as fossils
  • Archaeological artefacts and sites such as ship wrecks, burial grounds & graves, memorials and rock art sites.

Heritage Resource Management Services provides executive and administrative services to Heritage Western Cape. Appropriately qualified and experienced staff within Heritage Resource Management Services implement heritage legislation in managing provincial heritage resources.


To ensure that it fulfils its legislative mandate, the Council of Heritage Western Cape meets regularly and has established the following committees: the Built Environment and Landscape Committee (BELCom), Archaeological, Palaeontological and Meteorites Permit Committee (APM), Appeals Committee, Impact Assessment Commitee (IACOM), and Inventories, Grading and Interpretation Committee (IGIC).

Principles of the Council for HWC:

  • Acknowledges the leading role the Western Cape Province has played in the conservation of our heritage.
  • Continues this tradition within a transformed and transforming cultural context.
  • Proposes to set the highest standards for the conservation of its rich legacy, acknowledging national and international trends in heritage conservation.
  • Realises the importance of tourism within our economy, and believes that the tourist appeal of the Western Cape resides largely in the diversity of its cultural heritage
021 483 9598
021 483 9845
Street Address:

3rd Floor, Protea Assurance Building, Greenmarket Square, Cape Town, 8000

Postal Address:

Heritage Resource Council, Private Bag X9067, Cape Town, 8000

Overseeing Government Body: (Western Cape Government)
The content on this page was last updated on 24 March 2023