Heritage Western Cape (HWC) Application Forms | Western Cape Government

Heritage Western Cape (HWC) Application Forms

Please click on the applicable form, in your desired format:


Form A (Section 27/28/29/31/34) - Application for a Permit: PDF | Word

Form B (Section 38) - Notification for Intent to Develop: PDF | Word

Form C (Section 27/35) - Excavation: PDF | Word

Form D (Section 27/35/38) - Repository Registration: PDF | Word

Form E (Section 27/35) - Destructive Analysis: PDF | Word

Form F (Section 49) - Appeal Application: PDF | Word

Form G (Section 27/29/31/34/35/36/38) - Work Plan: PDF | Word

Form H (Section 29) - Provisonal Protection: PDF | Word

Form I (Section 27) - PHS Nomination Form: PDF | Word

Form J (Section 25) - Conservation Body Registration: PDF | Word


The content on this page was last updated on 4 April 2023