Western Cape inclusionary housing policy framework public participation process | Western Cape Government



Western Cape inclusionary housing policy framework public participation process

28 July 2021

The Western Cape Government’s public participation process with regards to a new Inclusionary Housing Policy Framework has closed.

The draft policy framework was developed by the Western Cape Government and published for public comment on 14 May. The public comment process closed on 13 July.

Anton Bredell, the Minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning in the Western Cape has thanked the participants in the process for their valuable contributions.

“We received 38 written submissions by the deadline period. In addition the department drew a further 45 substantive inputs from public engagements the department had. We had hoped to see more interested parties come to the table given the nature of this draft policy, but regardless of interest we have received valuable input which will now be considered appropriately.”

The draft Policy Framework will help municipalities in the Western Cape to facilitate the inclusion of more affordable housing units in developments in their municipal areas. This will be done in partnership with the private sector – creating more opportunities for people to live in better locations.

“We will now consider the comments, review the draft Policy Framework to take into consideration these comments, engage with leadership on key issues that may have emerged in order to receive direction and work towards finalizing the draft Policy Framework for submission to the provincial cabinet for approval,” says Bredell.

Media Enquiries: 

James-Brent Styan

Spokesperson for the Minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Anton Bredell

Mobile:                   084 583 1670

Telephone:            021 483 2820

E-mail:                    James-Brent.Styan@westerncape.gov.za